Weekly Roundup, May 21st – May 27th
Last Week’s Leftovers
Welsh Masters League: Fixture 2 (Neath)
Lee Aherne, Sam Jackson, Sam Lewis Jones and Adam Roberts attended the second fixture in the Welsh Master League in Neath last Sunday and were supported by Hayley and Peter Jackson, Adam’s wife and of course Eirwen.
Race report from Lee:
800 Metres: Me and young Sam ran. I mistakenly ran in the A race and finished nearly 100 metres after everyone else and even had the sympathy clap from the crowd. Young Sam even though tired towards the end of his race finished a fantastic 3rd and I think 1 second quicker than I did.
400 Metres: Old Sam got pipped on the line to finish in a fantastic 2nd.
1500 Metres: The 3 of us were joined by Adam Roberts. Old and Young Sam got placed in the B race and both did themselves and the club justice. Me and Adam got placed to my horror in the A race and Adam was bloody brilliant running around 4:31. I overtook the person in last towards the end to avoid a second sympathy clap.
4 x 100 Metres: Old Sam ran first followed by me, Young Sam and Adam on the anchor leg. I think we came 3rd.
4 x 400 Metres: 10 mins later! Same lineup again and this time thankfully they threw a girls team in the mix to save us from coming last.
Can I just add that I really hope the club buys into this league because not only will it add something to the club but it’s bloody good fun.
Cardiff Summer Series: 2 Mile
Paul Stillman posted some photos of the Cardiff Summer Series 2 Mile race this week including two great shots of Keri-Lyn Jones and Sharon Newell.
Vests on Tour
Kim Price (Alabama Hills, CA)
Stephen Dallow (Campbeltown)
Karen Thomas (Crete)
Richard Sheehy (Alcaucín, Spain)
GLCL Road Series: Chepstow
The second fixture in the GLCL Road Series and 70 club members attended to tackle the hilly Undy course. We came away with lots of good placings including Lee Aherne and Sam Lewis Jones finishing in first and second!
- Lee Aherne – 1st Overall
- Sam Lewis Jones – 2nd Overall
- Rachel Lewis – 3rd F4044
- Nicola Jukes – 2nd F4549
- Georgina Seed – 2nd F5559
- Hayden Hartnell – 3rd M5559
- Neil Lloyd – 2nd M6064
- Jill Matthews – 1st F6064
- Kath Jervis – 2nd F6064
- Phillip Miles – 2nd M6569
Looks Like Sharon Has Had Enough of Grainger’s Shenanigans!
Pen y Fal Race
Conditions were perfect for a 5 mile race around the Sugarloaf in the Pen y Fal race with some familiar with fell running and others not.
Thanks to Paul Grainger for the photos.
The Fountain Five
We usually have a few members attend the FODAC-organised Fountain Five for the trail run, beer and burgers and this year we were represented by Sam, Sian, Richard and Marcus. Sam Lewis Jones romped home in first place in a cracking time of 32:06.
Sarah and Kim’s Whitecastle Adventure
What started as a practice run for next week’s Rack Raid turned into quite an adventure for Kim. Already low on fuel she takes a wrong turning at the Abergavenny roundabout and ends up 7 miles towards Hereford. Heading back to Abergavenny she’s now running on fumes and by the time she reaches the roundabout the car gives up the ghost and she’s stuck!
Luckily Sarah happened to be driving past and spotted the damsel in distress and called her dad’s recovery company to come to the rescue.
Image for illustration purposes only.
There were a number of PBs to report this week – Huw Steadman: 20:32, Beth Jones: 23:00, Andrew Marlow: 24:57, Nick Rhys Gregory: 25:06, Lisa Cook: 25:18, Beth James: 27:19 and Lee-Anne Taylor: 28:17.
parkrun Tourists
parkrun tourists this week were Kath Jervis in Wyecombe Rye, Mr Jolly and Stephen Williams in Cwmbran, Bobbie and Cerys Swift in Burnham and Highbridge, Robert King and James Williams in Merthyr, Lauren Cooper and Hayley Jackson in Penallta and Paul Mann in Pontypridd.
Melissa Pearce and Helen Williams dodged a bullet when I decided to photograph Newport parkrun instead of Riverfront.
Mull of Kintyre 10K
Stephen Dallow was all the way up on Campbeltown on Sunday for the very popular Mull of Kintyre 10K. The race usually sells out in hours and has been voted as one of the UK’s top races in Runner’s World magazine.
Martin Blakebrough (Spirit of Monmouth): It was great event and we were saying I bet Parc Bryn Bach turn out. You guys are everywhere!
Treforest 10K
Despite some heavy rain this morning it looks like it had passed by the time the hilly Treforest 10K took place. 7 club members participated in the race although I could only manage to find photos of six.
Thanks to Iestyn Henson for the photos.
Crocodile 8
There were quite a few club members at this afternoon’s Crocodile 8 race but going to press nothing has been posted on Facebook about the race so look for an update in next week’s roundup.
Lonely Shepherd
The problem with planing something in advance is that you can never guarantee the weather. With all the cracking weather we’ve had recently, this morning was the complete opposite for the Lonely Shepard run.
Still, some hardy runners braved the rain for the tough climb up to the top.
Good Luck Suzie
After 10 weeks off running during injury, Suzie Tew is all geared up for a test run tomorrow. Hopefully everything goes well and I’m sure she’ll take things easy.
Richard Hale
May 31, 2018 (10:25 am)
During course marking 3 hrs before the Bolamaen race start , there were exceptional adverse weather conditions as a result of the dense hill fog on the high Fell.Visibility was reduced to less than 50 yds on much of the course and the decision was taken to increase marshals , add extra route markers and shorten the route for the safety of runners.
This inaurguaral run should have been 7 miles but was reduced to 3.25 miles. All competitors finished without incident and were able to enjoy the superb complimentary cakes supplied by Caroline’s Real Bread Company !
First home was Stephen Priestnall from ‘ Running Somewhere Else ‘ RC in a time of 27.05. Rhianydd Evans from Bryn Bach RC finished strongly on 3rd place in 29.17.
We will be organising the race again next year and hoping for better weather so runners will be able to run the full scenic course .